You found us! Good Job, Big Girl!

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There are moments in our lives where we must make a difficult choice. Most often the decision is between the easy path and the right path. When you hike up your big girl panties and get done what needs doing, especially when it's difficult, it's nice to hear a little affirmation and congratulations! That's where "Good Job, Big Girl" comes in.

"Good Job, Big Girl" is something I used to say to my daughters after they completed a difficult task or made a responsible decision. I then started using it with my girlfriends for the same reasons. At first it was a joke, but then it became a real affirmation for us! We all began seeking out GJBG moments because we felt accomplished and recognized for having earned it from our peers.

I know it can sound condescending at first, but think back to when you were a little girl and someone said that to you. Didn't you feel proud? Didn't you feel grown-up? Weren't you pleased? Why must we leave those feelings behind just because we're older?

I created the GJBG logo and thanks to, I was able to create some lovely product choices for you to keep at home when you need a little self-motivation to do the right thing, or to give as gifts when your girlfriend does the right thing. There's nothing like a tangible reminder of your accomplishment to lift you up when you're feeling down!

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GJBG logo © Paul R. Bixby, Jr., 2010. All rights reserved.